Edith D. Aloise King, Peter B. Banks & Robert C. Brooks. 2011. Sexual conflict in mammals: consequences for mating systems and life history. Mammal Review DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2907.2011.00200.x
The Victorian era (1837–1901) delivered explosive progress in technology and agriculture, transcendent changes in art and literature, and profound growth in rational and progressive thought. Important foundations of modern utilitarianism, feminism, socialism, and democracy were laid in Victorian England. And…
Yesterday’s ARC Grants announcements held two pieces of particularly good news for the SEX LAB. 1. Dr Michael Kasumovic was awarded a Discovery Grant for a project titled “Adaptive plasticity and evolution: linking the genotype and the environment to understand…
I first published this piece in The Conversation on 1 November 2011 as part of their series on the world’s population reaching 7 billion. I had better write fast. Sometime between my deadline to submit this story and the time…
Bob Beale wrote this press release for a paper by SEX LAB scientists Dr Alex Jordan and Prof Rob Brooks, recently published in the journal Evolution. It is a paper from Alex’s recent PhD. Males decide how much effort they put into…
Another baby for a lab alumnus. Former postdoc Anna Lindholm, now living and working in Zurich, gave birth to Linnea Katharina Krützen on 20-Sep-2011 at 10.50 am. Mum and baby are really well, and father Micahel and her sister Maria are…
This article first appeared in The Conversationon 16 September 2011, under the headline “Men are better at spatial reasoning? Erm, you might want to think again.” A stroll down the personal growth aisle of the bookstore tells us, among other things,…
I spent a wonderful hour this morning, speaking about evolution and Sex, Genes & Rock ‘n’ Roll with Margaret Throsby on ABC Classic FM. I chose music by Mozart (to start and to finish the program), Bizet, Leonard Cohen and…
ABC-TV’s Big Ideas program, UNSWTV, the RiAus and the UNSW Faculty of Science are presenting the following panel discussion on Wednesday 14 September in the Ritchie Theatre, Scientia Building at UNSW. REGISTER HERE FOR THIS EVENT Modern technology is rearranging…
You’ve no doubt heard that girls are entering puberty earlier than they ever have before. It’s one of those science-lite stories beloved of tabloid papers and current affairs programs. One recent article had 10 to 15 percent of American 7…