Unsurprisingly Harold Camping’s prediction that the devout would ascend and that Armageddon would commence on May 21 turned out to equal the Millenium bug for sheer anticlimax and wasted column inches. So much has been written, so much of it…
They say a picture tells a thousand words. But does a thousand words tell a picture? Instead of posting a summary of Sex, Genes & Rock ‘n’ Roll: How Evolution has Shaped the Modern World, I have created Wordles (Wordle.com)…
I was egosurfing the other night, anxious about the upcoming publication of my book Sex, Genes & Rock ‘n’ Roll: How evolution has shaped the modern world and brooding about how to promote it. Searching on the book title I…
John Birmingham posted an entertaining National Times column today on the call to limit junk food advertising to children (Advertising ban won’t help fat kids). Responding to the Obesity Policy Coalition’s (OPC) recent launch of an Australian blueprint for legislation…
Sex, Genes & Rock ‘n’ Roll: How Evolution has Shaped the Modern World is to be published in Australia and New Zealand on 1 June. I have already received my copies, including extra ones I bought to give to the…
This piece first appeared on 28 Aril 2011 in the excellent new debate and ideas website The Conversation. Getting research money, especially the no-strings-attached kind that government agencies give out, is difficult. Researchers spend months on each proposal with only…
Our much-loved lab manager, Elke Venstra, has left the building. She’s headed elsewhere to travel and for some well-deserved holiday before starting her next exciting venture. We had a pleasant party on her last day of work last week, and…
I am pleased to say that Lyndon (Alex) Jordan’s PhD thesis received glowing endorsement from three top-quality international examiners, and has been accepted subject to a few minor corrections. If you were ate last Friday’s exit seminar you would have…
Jane McCredie, my publiser at NewSouth Books tells me that Sex, Genes & Rock ‘n’ Roll has been sent to the printer! I’m very excited that I’ll soon see the book in physical form and cannot wait to start promoting the…
Rob recently participated, together with Professor Bill von Hippel (Psychologist at the University of Queensland) and Helen Statman (performance artist from the troupe Cocoloco) in a Valentine’s day event at the Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus). The evening’s events were…