Rank Country Male obesity Female obesity Average obesity 1 Nauru 78 79.3 78.7 2 Samoa 80.2 69.3 74.8 3 Tokelau 67.8 58.6 63.2 4 Kiribati 58.9 41.7 50.3 5 Marshall Islands 53 39 46.0 6 Federated States of Micronesia…
News of Rob’s upcoming appearance in Adelaide, alongside the awesome Professor Bill von Hippel.
Congrats to Mike, Australian Postdoctiral Fellow in the Sex Lab, on being named a winners of the 2011 Young Investigator’s prizes by the American Society of Naturalists. He will get his prize and speak in a special symposium at the…
BROOKS, R., SCOTT, I.M., MAKLAKOV, A.A., KASUMOVIC, M.M., CLARK, A.P., PENTON-VOAK, I.S. National income inequality predicts women’s preferences for masculinized faces better than health does (Comment on paper by de Bruine et al). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London…
BROOKS, RC; SIMPSON, SJ; RAUBENHEIMER, D. 2010. The price of protein: combining evolutionary and economic analysis to understand excessive energy consumption. Obesity Reviews 11: 887-894.
A short tale about our recent exchange with Lise de Bruine, Ben Jones and Tony Little in the pages of Proceedings of the Royal Society, and the recent article on that exchange in the Economist.
Jules Shelly, designer of this website and the creative force behind www.bodylab.biz has left our shores after more than 2 years. We wish her and Sam well and hope the move goes smoothly.
Louise McKenzie got her PhD examiners’ reports back today. Some wonderful comments on a sparkling thesis. Well done Louise.
We are conducting a world-wide study on what makes an attractive body. Visit www.bodylab.biz to rate male or female bodies. Your ratings will be used to choose the most attractive bodies, from which we will “breed” new bodies for the…
The evolutionary war between animals and their parasites can teach us a lot about how to foil car thieves. But it is important to remember that no device, however ingenious, is foolproof forever – small victories are the best one can hope for.