Mike and Beth Kasumovic had a beautiful son on Monday 1 November 2010. Congratulations. Welcome to little Ethan Matthew, brother of Tomas.
CAIRNS, KM; WOLFF, JN; BROOKS, RC; et al. Evidence of Recent Population Expansion in the Field Cricket Teleogryllus Commodus. Australian Journal of Zoology Volume: 58 Issue: 1 Pages: 33-38 Published: 2010
This article was based on a talk I gave at a symposium of the Royal Zoological Society of NSW in late 2008. The Society has never published the proceedings so I thought I would put the article out there for anyone who…
Megan Head (PhD 2005) has recently moved to the University of Exeter at Cornwall to take up a new postdoctoral research position.
BROOKS, R; SHELLY, JP; FAN, J; et al. Much More Than a Ratio: Multivariate Selection On Female Bodies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology Volume: 23 Issue: 10 Pages: 2238-2248 Published: Oct 2010
Alex Jordan, PhD student in the SEX LAB at UNSW recently won the People’s Choice award at the Australia, New Zealand, and Oceania Three-Minute Thesis Competition. To get there, he won the UNSW Three-Minute Thesis Competition (Tchek the Video), and…
We welcome Chang Seok Han to the SEX LAB. He won a prestigious Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship to come to the E&ERC at UNSW from the Republic of Korea
ZAJITSCHEK, SRK; BROOKS, RC. Inbreeding Depression in Male Traits and Preference For Outbred Males in Poecilia Reticulata. Behavioral Ecology Volume: 21 Issue: 4 Pages: 884-891 Published: 2010