Over the last few months I have tried something new: writing advice. Now as you know, the worst kind of vice is advice, but fools rush in where the Devil (in the guise of John Milton) feared to tread. Enough people have asked me about getting started writing about science that I thought it worth a try.
I turned to four writers I admire, and asked them a few questions to coax from them their hints and tips. Thanks largely to their insights, experience, and generosity, I was able to publish three articles at Medium’s The Writing Cooperative, as well as a list of publications for sciency Medium writers to target.
I list the articles, with brief descriptions and links to the full varsions, below. I hope you enjoy them. If you do, please share this resource on social media, and tag me (@Brooks_Rob).
Getting Started as a Science Writer
To begin the series, I asked some accomplished writers what they wished they had known when they started out.

Where Should I Publish My Science Writing?
Who would want to publish your work? You’d be surprised. Here I extract six different kinds of publication to target, with advice from professionals on how to go about it.

Science Publications on Medium
Medium provides one of the best platforms discussed in the article above, and you can earn money. That said, there bewildering ecosystem of Medium publications can leave many new writers bamboozled. So I provided this guide to science or science-related publications. I will try to keep this up-to-date.

How to Improve as a Science Writer
With an emphasis on writing more, listening to yourself, and heeding advice.