If OpenAI were to ask me how to ensure users don’t form social relationships with voice-ChatGPT, I would recommend:
(1) Don’t give it a voice. (2) Don’t make it capable of holding up one end of an apparent conversation. Basically don’t make the product you made.
It started with humans pushing machines’ buttons. Now they are pushing ours. When the COVID-19 pandemic sent so many people into work-from-home isolation, it funneled much of our social interaction onto the internet. Children learn via Zoom classrooms, colleagues meet on Microsoft…
Some of the ways AI is hijacking our emotional lives What happens when our evolved human minds and old-fashioned cultures encounter the technologies of the 21st Century? Specifically, I mean virtual reality, robotics, and — most important — artificial intelligence.…
The tingles that birthed an intimate art form could let technology under our skin